Day 22: Reactor Reboot

This problem asks us to find the 1×1×11\times1\times1 cubes — “small cubes” — in 3D space that remain after sequentially turning on and turning off the small cubes contained in a sequence of upright 3D rectangular prisms with integer coordinates; we’ll refer to these prisms as “boxes”. We record which small cubes remain after each operation as a list of boxes containing those cubes; the question is then how to record the boxes that result after performing the sequence of additions and subtractions between boxes. In other words, if at stage kk the “on” cubes are contained in boxes B1,,BnB_1,\ldots,B_n, and we switch off the small cubes in Bn+1B_{n+1}, what set of boxes now contains the remaining “on” cubes? For simplicity, we’ll refer to the process of turning on the small cubes in a box BB as “adding” BB, and turning off the cubes in BB as “subtracting” BB.

To subtract a single box B2B_2 from another box B1B_1, we first note that we only need to subtract the intersection B3B1B2B_3\coloneqq B_1\cap B_2 of the two boxes from B1B_1. Then, to subtract B3B_3 from B1B_1, we note that each maximal set of parallel edges of B3B_3 divides the corresponding axis of B1B_1 into three (potentially empty) regions: the parts before, between, and after their endpoints. For instance, if B3B_3 has edge ((x1,y,z),(x2,y,z))( (x_1,y,z) , (x_2,y,z) ) with x1<x2x_1<x_2, then this edge divides BB into three portions along the xx-axis: the parts less than x1x_1, between x1x_1 and x2x_2, and greater than x2x_2. Since each of the three axes is split into three regions by the subtraction, B3B_3 ultimately divides B1B_1 into 27 smaller (but not necessarily “small”) boxes, exactly one of which is B3B_3 itself. Hence B1B2B_1-B_2 is just the list containing the other 26 boxes.

To subtract a single cube from the list of cubes B1,,BnB_1,\ldots,B_n, we simply subtract it from each BiB_i in turn, then collect all the resulting smaller boxes into a single list. Hence, to improve performance, after each subtraction, we (greedily) recombine the 26 smaller boxes into as few larger boxes as possible; otherwise the list of boxes to subtract from would grow without bound. To recombine boxes, we simply take two boxes that have a face in common and write them as the union, and repeat this until no two boxes share a face. (Fewer boxes could probably be obtained with some sort of dynamic programming algorithm; this wasn’t deemed worth it.)


use crate::Answer;
use std::fmt::{Display, Write};

type Span = [i32; 2];

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Cuboid {
	x_range: Span,
	y_range: Span,
	z_range: Span,

impl Cuboid {
	fn size(&self) -> usize {
		fn width(span: Span) -> usize {
			usize::try_from(span[1] - span[0] + 1).unwrap()
		let &Cuboid {
		} = self;

		width(x_range) * width(y_range) * width(z_range)

impl Cuboid {
	fn intersection(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Self> {
		fn span_intersection(span1: Span, span2: Span) -> Option<Span> {
			let lower = span1[0].max(span2[0]);
			let upper = span1[1].min(span2[1]);
			if upper < lower {
			} else {
				Some([lower, upper])

		Some(Self {
			x_range: span_intersection(self.x_range, other.x_range)?,
			y_range: span_intersection(self.y_range, other.y_range)?,
			z_range: span_intersection(self.z_range, other.z_range)?,

	/// `other` divides `self` into 3^3 = 27 (potentially empty) sub-cuboids. Of the 26
	/// that aren't `other`, we keep the nonempty ones. Once we've found them, we merge
	/// them into as large cuboids as possible.
	fn difference(&self, other: &Self) -> Vec<Self> {
		fn get_spans(my_span: Span, intersection_span: Span) -> [Option<Span>; 3] {
			let span1 = if my_span[0] == intersection_span[0] {
			} else {
				Some([my_span[0], intersection_span[0] - 1])

			let span2 = Some(intersection_span);

			let span3 = if intersection_span[1] == my_span[1] {
			} else {
				Some([intersection_span[1] + 1, my_span[1]])

			[span1, span2, span3]

		let intersection = match self.intersection(other) {
			Some(c) => c,
			None => return vec![*self],

		let x_ranges = get_spans(self.x_range, intersection.x_range);
		let y_ranges = get_spans(self.y_range, intersection.y_range);
		let z_ranges = get_spans(self.z_range, intersection.z_range);

		let mut on_cuboids = Vec::<Self>::new();
		for &x_range in x_ranges.iter().flatten() {
			for &y_range in y_ranges.iter().flatten() {
				for &z_range in z_ranges.iter().flatten() {
					if x_range != intersection.x_range
						|| y_range != intersection.y_range
						|| z_range != intersection.z_range
						on_cuboids.push(Cuboid {

		// Iteratively merge the split-up cuboids together, where possible. For instance,
		// if the middle of a cuboid was removed, there are 26 small cuboids created, but they
		// can be merged into six larger cuboids. This is done by looking for abutting
		// cuboids with the same dimensions along their respective abutting faces and
		// combining them into one cuboid.
		'merge: loop {
			for (
				&c1 @ Cuboid {
			) in on_cuboids.iter().enumerate()
				for (j, &c2) in on_cuboids.iter().enumerate().skip(i + 1) {
					let mut cs = [c1, c2];
					let mut merged_cuboid = None;
					if y_range == c2.y_range && z_range == c2.z_range {
						cs.sort_by_key(|c| c.x_range);
						if cs[0].x_range[1] == cs[1].x_range[0] - 1 {
							merged_cuboid = Some(Cuboid {
								x_range: [cs[0].x_range[0], cs[1].x_range[1]],
					} else if x_range == c2.x_range && z_range == c2.z_range {
						cs.sort_by_key(|c| c.y_range);
						if cs[0].y_range[1] == cs[1].y_range[0] - 1 {
							merged_cuboid = Some(Cuboid {
								y_range: [cs[0].y_range[0], cs[1].y_range[1]],
					} else if x_range == c2.x_range && y_range == c2.y_range {
						cs.sort_by_key(|c| c.z_range);
						if cs[0].z_range[1] == cs[1].z_range[0] - 1 {
							merged_cuboid = Some(Cuboid {
								z_range: [cs[0].z_range[0], cs[1].z_range[1]],

					if let Some(merged_cuboid) = merged_cuboid {
						continue 'merge;



impl Cuboid {
	fn from_coords_str(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
		let mut coords = s.split(',');

		let mut comps = (0..3).filter_map(|_| {
				.filter_map(|splat| splat.parse().ok())

		let x_range =;
		let y_range =;
		let z_range =;

		Some(Self {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum State {

impl State {
	fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
		Some(match s {
			"on" => Self::On,
			"off" => Self::Off,
			_ => return None,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct RebootStep {
	state: State,
	cuboid: Cuboid,

impl RebootStep {
	fn from_line(line: &str) -> Option<Self> {
		let mut str_comps = line.split_ascii_whitespace();
		let state = State::from_str(;
		let cuboid = Cuboid::from_coords_str(;
		Some(Self { state, cuboid })

struct Grid {
	on_cuboids: Vec<Cuboid>,
	bounds: Option<Cuboid>,

impl Grid {
	fn new_with_size(n: i32) -> Self {
		Grid {
			on_cuboids: vec![],
			bounds: Some(Cuboid {
				x_range: [-n, n],
				y_range: [-n, n],
				z_range: [-n, n],

	fn new_unbounded() -> Self {
		Grid {
			on_cuboids: vec![],
			bounds: None,

	fn apply_step(&mut self, RebootStep { state, cuboid }: &RebootStep) -> Option<()> {
		let cuboid = if let Some(bounds) = self.bounds {
		} else {

		match state {
			State::On => {
			State::Off => {
				let mut on_cuboids = vec![];
				for my_cuboid in &self.on_cuboids {
				self.on_cuboids = on_cuboids;


	fn n_on(&self) -> usize {
		let mut nonintersecting_cuboids = vec![];
		for (i, &c1) in self.on_cuboids.iter().enumerate() {
			let mut pieces = vec![c1];
			for &c2 in self.on_cuboids.iter().skip(i + 1) {
				pieces = pieces
					.flat_map(|piece| piece.difference(&c2))

			.fold(0, |accum, cuboid| accum + cuboid.size())

fn read_input(input: &str) -> Option<Vec<RebootStep>> {

fn ans_for_input(input: &str) -> Answer<usize, usize> {
	let steps = read_input(input).unwrap();
	(22, (pt1(steps.iter()), pt2(steps.iter()))).into()

pub fn ans() -> Answer<usize, usize> {

Parts 1 and 2

Parts 1 and 2 ask us to perform the same sequence of operations. In Part 1 this sequence occurs is in a bounded space (presumably in a space small enough for it to have been feasible to store each small cube individually). In Part 2 this sequence occurs in an unbounded space, which is where the savings that come from doing cube intersections become important.

fn pt1<R: std::borrow::Borrow<RebootStep>>(steps: impl Iterator<Item = R>) -> usize {
	let mut grid = Grid::new_with_size(50);
	for step in steps {


fn pt2<R: std::borrow::Borrow<RebootStep>>(steps: impl Iterator<Item = R>) -> usize {
	let mut grid = Grid::new_unbounded();
	for step in steps {


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