Day 15: Chiton

Given a grid of numbers, this problem asks us to find the path from the grid’s top left corner to its bottom right corner that minimizes the sum of all numbers used in the path, which we will call the path’s cost. This is a classic CS problem which can be solved with the A* Algorithm. My initial solution used a (max-) priority queue to choose the next node to examine, with priority equal to the (negative of the) total cost of the path up to that node. While this solution worked, it took an inordinate amount of time on the larger input, which was 500×500. (I suspect that this was due to the fact that the implementation of that priority queue uses a HashMap instead of a (perhaps) more optimal structure such as a BTreeMap. I also didn’t really feel like seeing if I could speed it up with a faster hasher. And I definitely didn’t want to implement my own priority queue with a BTreeMap instead.)

Despite being theoretically suboptimal, my second solution performed much faster. This new solution was simply to maintain a grid of tentative costs to reach each number on the grid. This grid of tentative costs was initially set to u32::MAX, except for the top left corner which was set to 0. On each iteration, for each node PP in the grid, we examine PP’s four neighbors. If the cost to reach a neighbor through PP is cheaper than the neighbor’s current tentative cost, we replace the latter cost with the former cost. We repeat this process until no modifications are made to any tentative cost, at which point the answer is simply the cost of reaching the bottom right corner.


use crate::Answer;
use ndarray::prelude::*;

type Cost = u32;
type Grid = Array2<Cost>;
type Coords = (usize, usize);

fn read_input(input: &str) -> Option<Grid> {
	let mut lines = input.lines();

	let mut grid = vec![];

	let first_line =;
	for c in first_line.chars() {
		grid.push(c.to_digit(10)? as Cost);
	let n_cols = grid.len();

	for line in lines {
		for c in line.chars() {
			grid.push(c.to_digit(10)? as Cost);

	let n_rows = grid.len() / n_cols;
	assert_eq!(n_rows * n_cols, grid.len());

	Array2::from_shape_vec((n_rows, n_cols), grid).ok()

enum Direction {

impl Direction {
	fn stepping_from(&self, grid: &Grid, (from_row, from_col): Coords) -> Option<Coords> {
		use Direction::*;

		let (min_row, min_col) = (0, 0);
		let (n_rows, n_cols) = grid.dim();
		let max_row = n_rows - 1;
		let max_col = n_cols - 1;

		let new_row = match self {
			N if from_row == min_row => return None,
			N => from_row - 1,
			S if from_row == max_row => return None,
			S => from_row + 1,
			_ => from_row,

		let new_col = match self {
			W if from_col == min_col => return None,
			W => from_col - 1,
			E if from_col == max_col => return None,
			E => from_col + 1,
			_ => from_col,

		Some((new_row, new_col))

fn traversal_cost(entry_costs: &Grid) -> Cost {
	use Direction::*;

	let (n_rows, n_cols) = entry_costs.dim();
	let max_row = n_rows - 1;
	let max_col = n_cols - 1;

	let mut net_travel_costs = Grid::from_shape_simple_fn((n_rows, n_cols), || Cost::MAX);
	net_travel_costs[(0, 0)] = 0;

	let max_dist = max_row + max_col;
	loop {
		let mut did_modify = false;

		for dist in 0..=max_dist {
			let r_min = if dist < max_col { 0 } else { dist - max_col };
			let r_max = dist.min(max_row);

			for r in r_min..=r_max {
				let c = dist - r;

				let net_cost_to_travel_here = net_travel_costs[(r, c)];

				// One of the perks of moving diagonally, down and to the right, is that
				// this assertion holds (which means the following (necessary) loop isn't
				// pointless)
				assert_ne!(net_cost_to_travel_here, Cost::MAX);

				for dir in [N, S, E, W] {
					let nghbr_coords = match dir.stepping_from(entry_costs, (r, c)) {
						Some(nghbr_coords) => nghbr_coords,
						None => continue,

					let net_cost_to_travel_to_nghbr_thru_here =
						net_cost_to_travel_here + entry_costs[nghbr_coords];

					if net_cost_to_travel_to_nghbr_thru_here < net_travel_costs[nghbr_coords] {
						net_travel_costs[nghbr_coords] = net_cost_to_travel_to_nghbr_thru_here;
						did_modify = true;

		if !did_modify {
			return net_travel_costs[(max_row, max_col)];

fn ans_for_input(input: &str) -> Answer<Cost, Cost> {
	let grid = read_input(input).unwrap();
	(15, (pt1(&grid), pt2(&grid))).into()

pub fn ans() -> Answer<Cost, Cost> {

Part 1

fn pt1(grid: &Grid) -> Cost {

Part 2

Part 2 asked us not just to traverse the grid, but to construct a larger grid to use as our input, which was formed by concatenating modified copies of Part 1’s input. This falls under “boring array manipulation”, so I won’t discuss it further.

fn expand_grid(grid: &Grid, k: usize) -> Grid {
	let (n_rows, n_cols) = grid.dim();
	let mut new_grid = Array2::from_shape_simple_fn((k * n_rows, k * n_cols), || 0);

	// Arrays are in row major order, so that's the order we iterate in (for cache-friendliness)
	for outer_r in 0..k {
		for inner_r in 0..n_rows {
			for outer_c in 0..k {
				for inner_c in 0..n_cols {
					let old_cost = grid[(inner_r, inner_c)];

					let d_cost = Cost::try_from(outer_r + outer_c).unwrap();
					let new_cost = (old_cost + d_cost - 1) % 9 + 1;

					let new_grid_r = outer_r * n_rows + inner_r;
					let new_grid_c = outer_c * n_cols + inner_c;

					new_grid[(new_grid_r, new_grid_c)] = new_cost;


fn pt2(grid: &Grid) -> Cost {
	let grid = expand_grid(grid, 5);

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