Day 4: Giant Squid
The game is represented as a list of boards and a list of drawn numbers. Each board has:
A dictionary
that maps undrawn numbers on the board to their Cartesian coordinates (a pair(row, col)
) on the board. When a number is drawn, its Cartesian coordinates are used to updateprogress
(below), and then the number is removed from the dictionary. -
, which stores for each row and column the count of numbers in that row/column have not yet been drawn. If one of those counts hit zero, then every number in that row/column has been drawn, and so the board has a "Bingo" (i.e., has won).The row and column indices have the same meaning as the Cartesian coordinates in the dictionary described above: if number 25 is drawn, and 25’s position on a particular board is
(2, 3)
, thenprogress.rows[2]
each get decremented.
Reading the input text into a game (numbers and boards) is in read_input_into_game
, whose (not particularly interesting) implementation should serve as its docs.
is just used to prove to Advent of Code that we actually got the solution.
use crate::Answer;
use num::{integer::div_mod_floor, Integer};
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap as Map, BTreeSet as Set},
struct BoardProgress {
rows: Vec<usize>,
cols: Vec<usize>,
has_won: bool,
impl BoardProgress {
fn new(n_rows: usize, n_cols: usize) -> Self {
let rows = vec![n_cols; n_rows];
let cols = vec![n_rows; n_cols];
Self {
has_won: false,
fn handle_entry(&mut self, row: usize, col: usize) {
if self.has_won {
self.rows[row] -= 1;
self.cols[col] -= 1;
if self.rows[row] == 0 || self.cols[col] == 0 {
self.has_won = true;
struct Board<T: Integer> {
grid: Map<T, (usize, usize)>,
progress: BoardProgress,
impl<T: Integer + std::iter::Sum + Copy> Board<T> {
fn new(nums: &[T], n_cols: usize) -> Self {
let n_rows = nums.len() / n_cols;
assert_eq!(n_rows * n_cols, nums.len());
let mut grid = Map::new();
for (i, &x) in nums.iter().enumerate() {
let (r, c) = div_mod_floor(i, n_cols);
grid.insert(x, (r, c));
Self {
progress: BoardProgress::new(n_rows, n_cols),
fn play_number(&mut self, n: T) {
let (r, c) = match self.grid.remove(&n) {
Some(coords) => coords,
None => return,
self.progress.handle_entry(r, c);
fn has_won(&self) -> bool {
fn get_ans(&self, winning_num: T) -> T {
let unmarked_sum = self.grid.keys().copied().sum::<T>();
winning_num * unmarked_sum
struct Game<T: Integer> {
boards: Vec<Board<T>>,
numbers: Vec<T>,
impl<T: Integer + std::iter::Sum + Copy + FromStr + std::fmt::Debug> Game<T> {
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
let mut lines = s.lines().chain(std::iter::once(""));
let nums = lines
.map(|s| s.parse::<T>().ok())
let mut boards = vec![];
let mut this_board = vec![];
let mut n_cols = None;
for line in lines {
if line.is_empty() {
if !this_board.is_empty() {
let board = Board::new(this_board.as_slice(), n_cols.unwrap());
} else {
for num in line.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.parse::<T>().ok()) {
let num = num?;
if matches!(n_cols, None) {
n_cols = Some(this_board.len());
Some(Self {
numbers: nums,
fn ans_for_input(input: &str) -> Answer<i32, i32> {
let [game1, game2] = [0; 2].map(|_| Game::from_str(input).unwrap());
(4, (pt1(game1), pt2(game2))).into()
pub fn ans() -> Answer<i32, i32> {
Part 1
We simply draw numbers until a board has won, then get the answer.
fn pt1(mut game: Game<i32>) -> i32 {
for &num in &game.numbers {
for board in &mut game.boards {
if board.has_won() {
return board.get_ans(num);
Part 2
This time, we keep track of all of the boards that haven’t won yet. When the last un-won boards wins, we use it to compute the answer.
fn pt2(mut game: Game<i32>) -> i32 {
let mut ongoing_game_idxs = (<Set<_>>();
for &num in &game.numbers {
for (board_idx, board) in game.boards.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let already_won = !ongoing_game_idxs.contains(&board_idx);
if already_won {
if board.has_won() {
if ongoing_game_idxs.len() == 1 {
return board.get_ans(num);