A collection of trivia games I put together to give friends something to play while hanging out virtually during the coronavirus pandemic.

Except for the music trivia game, the games are all distributed as PDFs and should work fine in any web browser or PDF viewer. However, it’s recommended that you use a viewer that can flip through the pages by pressing the arrow keys in order to avoid scrolling. You can use the sidebars of the PDFs to navigate between rounds and questions; everything in them is a link.

Each PDF was built by parsing a Q-and-A list and generating LaTeX/beamer source; click here to visit the GitHub repo.

1. General Trivia

Our very first trivia game. A collection of uncategorized questions.

2. Name That Tune Trivia
The questions are all audio clips from well-known songs with prompts such as “Name the song”, “Name the album”, and “What movie had this song as the theme?”.

The site was built by parsing a list of questions and generating AsciiDoctor source. Music clips created with ffmpeg.

The site does not discard media that has been scrolled out of view, so it will use a lot of memory. Refreshing should purge memory, but I recommend only playing on desktop for the time being. Hopefully I’ll get around to fixing this at some point.

3. Movie Trivia

A simpler trivia game — just (uncategorized) Q’s and A’s about movies.

4. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Sports

  2. Plays and Playwrights

  3. Women in American History

  4. Science

  5. Plants and Animals

  6. U.S. Presidents

  7. Dr. Anthony Fauci

  8. Famous Paintings (identify the artist)

  9. Canada

  10. World Landmarks

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

5. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Logos

  2. Cocktails (name the drink whose recipe is shown)

  3. Superheroes

  4. New York City

  5. More Plants and Animals

  6. Geography

  7. Real Name/Stage Name

  8. What Are They Saying About Me?

  9. Ancient Civilizations

  10. TV

  11. And bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

6. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Weather

  2. Word Origins

  3. Broadway Musical Names From Song Titles

  4. Dog Breeds

  5. Disney

  6. National Parks

  7. Rome

  8. Books That Had a Big Impact

  9. Inventors and Inventions

  10. California

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

7. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Album by Album Art

  2. France

  3. Airport Codes

  4. Big Dates in History

  5. Gangsters in Fact and Fiction

  6. Holidays and Observances

  7. All the Cool Kids Are Texting About South Dakota

  8. Pastries

  9. Explorers

  10. Products and Companies by Their Slogans

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

8. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Colleges and Universities

  2. Horse Racing

  3. The Constitution

  4. It happened in 2010

  5. Under the Sea

  6. Myths and Legends

  7. Mexico, Our Friendly Neighbor to the South

  8. Famous Buildings

  9. Nobel Prize Winners

  10. The Beatles

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

9. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Aviation

  2. Ireland

  3. Colonial America

  4. Famous Ships and Boats

  5. Foreign Words and Phrases

  6. Birds

  7. Native Americans

  8. The home of …​

  9. Wonders of Engineering

  10. Washington, D.C.

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

10. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Quotations

  2. East Asia

  3. Musical Instruments

  4. Outer Space

  5. Saturday Night Live

  6. Special Words from Various Fields

  7. Streets, Highways, and Boulevards

  8. The Biggest and the Most

  9. The Wild West

  10. Who Originated the Role?

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

11. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Flowers

  2. Abraham Lincoln

  3. Civil Rights Movements

  4. How Now Brown Cow?

  5. American Literature

  6. Africa

  7. World War II

  8. Competitions

  9. Name the Film from the Cast

  10. World Leaders

  11. And a very special bonus section consisting of questions in categories that we (the creators) just liked.

12. General Trivia (Thanksgiving Edition)
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Colorful Songs

  2. Famous Animals in Fact and Fiction

  3. Famous Court Cases

  4. Biden/Harris

  5. The Holiday Season

  6. Scientific Breakthroughs

  7. The Oldest…​

  8. Shakespeare

  9. Colorful Movies

  10. Alex Trebek

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

13. General Trivia (Holiday Edition)
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Board Games

  2. Companies That Are No More

  3. Famous Foreign-Language Literary Works

  4. Newspapers and Magazines

  5. One of the things this city is famous for is…​

  6. Winter Sports

  7. Cartoons and the Funny Pages

  8. Specialized Words II

  9. Other Things that Happened in 2020

  10. Movies From Their Stills

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

14. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. .org

  2. Answer Like It’s 1999

  3. Count On It

  4. Ham’s Solo

  5. Philosophy and Philosophers

  6. Planet Earth

  7. Scandalous Literature

  8. The “Mother of Presidents”

  9. Who Directed It?

  10. “Royals”

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

15. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Black History

  2. World Currencies

  3. Religions and Religion

  4. Transportation

  5. Paris

  6. Architects and Architecture

  7. Mark Twain

  8. Swindlers, Frauds, and Cheats

  9. Museums of the World

  10. Famous Movie Lines

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

16. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Earth, Wind & Fire (featuring Water)

  2. Units of Measure

  3. As Seen on TV

  4. Spring

  5. Portmanteaus

  6. “Colorful” People

  7. Booze Clues

  8. NPR and PBS

  9. Tales and Fables

  10. Ciao for Now

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.

17. General Trivia
General knowledge trivia with the following categories:
  1. Clothing Around the World

  2. Dinosaurs

  3. Political Slogans

  4. I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now be Past Perfect

  5. Number One Songs

  6. Things Dean Martin Never Said

  7. Hey, look what I found(ed)!

  8. Famous People of Medicine

  9. Comedy Teams

  10. Luxury Brands

  11. And a bonus round comprised of one challenging question from each of these categories.
